May 8th marks the date of my first Sprint Triatholon. We swam 750 meters, biked 13.5 miles, and ran 3.2 miles. It was challenging-- but totally worth it! I decided back in January that I wanted to train for it. From January til April our family was sick 4 times, had bronchitis 2x, made 2 trips to the ER, both kids had double ear infections - TWICE, and I fell and hit my shoulder. I really didn't think I was going to be able to do it! I didn't get to train the way I wanted to, but I worked hard, and I really gave my best on race day. I feel so great that I was able to do it, and as I have heard from others, triatholons are addicting, and I am excited for my next one. (Hopefully it will be in a pool, instead of the nasty lake).
This was the transition area

Me getting marked, my number was 221

Sara and I, the girl who got me to do it!

A couple other friends that I found out were doing it, Amber and Marianne

They wrote our ages on our calves, which turned out to be a bad thing for me because I got to see how many people were older than me zipping by. I'm not in that great of shape I guess!

My family came to support me!

My sweet hubs

Adjusting to the water temp
I finished! My time was 2 hrs. 7 min. I wasn't really going for a time so I have no idea if that is even good, but I didn't care, my goal was to make it.
Special Thanks to my sister and sister in law for getting up super early on a Saturday morning to help me out with my kids! you guys are the best!