Monday, July 26, 2010

Lake Powell 2010

Lake Powell this year was eventful as always. The first night we usually stay at a hotel in Page. While I was out shopping for groceries Josh was at the hotel getting the kids bathed and what not I got a frantic phone call from Josh that he needed to take Tate to the ER. Little man had flung himself off the bed and hit himself onto a table. There was A LOT more blood and it looked A LOT worse than what these pics portray, but Josh handled it well, Tate ended up getting a butterfly, and we enjoyed the lake anyway. This trip came at the end of an exhausting 2 week vaca to UT, so I'm sure it would have been better for all of us had we planned it another way. Needless to say, we had fun anyway and will do things different next year! Lake Powell never ceases to amaze me.

We celebrated Tate's actual birthday, yet again, with more cake! It was yummy! This kid is up to 3 cakes now! And Lilly finally has the song down and sings happy birthday to Tate almost everyday!

Until Next Year...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Poor little guy! It looks like youguys had fun though. It was so good to get to see you all again. We miss ya.