Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Me and My Sweetheart

My fabulous friend Jen did a photo shoot of Josh and I and then one for our little family. (pics to come.) I love her and think she is fabulous!

If you love her too, you can check her out,


tiare said...

Nat - you and your family are simply beautiful! are lookin' smokin' H-O-T!!!!

Anonymous said...

seriously you are smokin hot!!! i wanna know your secret??? or did you just not gain any baby weight??? i don't wanna be fat anymore!!! i wanna look like you!!!! ;)

Queen of Kings said...

Love Love Love all of these! You hot Mama! You look so good Nat! You are adorable together! Love You!

Marissa said...

Looking good, lady! Beautiful pictures. :)

Jamie said...

Look at you, you are a skinny $%&^*! And I say that in the most jealous pregnancy voice I can get out!
JK, You know I love you! san diego looked fun! Hope you're surviving being back.

Bri!!! said...

Nat love these. You look so beautiful. I know you have been told you look like Ali, the bachelorette, but you are way prettier than her!

Laura said...

Your pictures turned out so amazing!! You and josh are so cute -- aww! And you do look SO great!! Oh, and your calves look super fierce -- love it!

Tiff Hunt said...

I agree with everyone's comments. YOU LOOK AMAZING!! I want to know your secret too! I know you have been running and stuff, but fill me in on the rest! You look stunning! Your little family is adorable!

k and j said...

ummm so could you be any hotter or skinnier ya beyatch?! nat, you are amazing girlfiend!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous photos and you look beautiful!!!!!! Love love them! She is awesome!

teppy said...

owOW look at those legs nat!!! lookin good!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I have to comment again...

Your legs look so good!

The end.