Saturday, November 13, 2010

Halloweeniest Weekend Ever!

Busy BUSY Halloween this year. It was fun, but I was SO ready for it to be over, in fact I'm ready for this post to be overwith! ha ha. We had fun carving pumpkins this year, even though the darn thing was covered in mold by day 3, gotta love the AZ heat!

A neighbor in my parents hood foot the bill for a GIGANTIC halloween party. It was really incredible. Atleast 3 bounce houses, a rock wall, mechanical bull, pony rides, a haunted house, games, and all the food one could ever dream of. Then a huge trick or treating extravaganza. We hope its an annual thing, it was awesome!
Gettin ready for the night!
Miss Raggedy Ann

Tate cracks me up!
Ninja turtle Steph and Claire... as herself!
The kids with their second parents!
Deloitte had a big picnik at a park in Scottsdale. They had contests, games, food, cotton candy, and a bounce house. It was fun, and my kids were too die for, and loved the cotton candy!

THEN, trick or treating on Halloween. I was so over the Ann and Andy costumes, so I pulled out the bee and my friend Kayleen let me borrow the lion costume for Tate. We had a yummy dinner at their house and then went trick or treating with the Theobald's. It was fun and Lilly was so into it!!!!
Of course Tate found the only old candy bar in a yard full of gravel. Ewwwww!
killer bee?
Lilly and Morgan hugging!
My roaring lion, and boy was he roaring this night!

The kids and their hero.

I can't definately wait til next year... Halloween was a lot of work this year!


Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

Those are the best pictures. I love that bee costume!!

Unknown said...

Oh man. Your kids are so cute. I seriously love that lilly can wear flip flops on halloween. Today I tried to wear shoes and socks but I brought along my flippers just incase and it's a good thing I did. To constricting. I swear I should have been born in even a warmer city.